Why you need the HDR Max app!

Imagine all the times you have tried to capture an image and your background has a pale colour or that of your foreground does. Or the time you tried capturing the blue skies that seemed very blue to your eyes but appears as something else in your shot. Do you know how to correct this? That’s where HDR comes in.

HDR stands for high dynamic range. Dynamic range means the difference between the brightest and the darkest elements in your image. Your phone’s camera app achieves this by taking multiple photos at a variety of exposures in quick succession and combines them to produce a single photo with a higher range of colours.

HDR corrects exposure imbalance and enhances details in the foreground and background of the image. And that is HDR on your camera app.(More on HDR)

Then there is the HDR Max app. This takes HDR to a whole new level! Why? Well, there are a few reasons.

1. While the camera app takes several images that blur the final image in case of any movement, HDR Max makes a way to shorten the process of capturing the images and merging them thus reducing the risk of blur.

There is motion blur on the moving car and the ladies

2. This app doesn’t require you to set anything on HDR, all you do is open the camera app, adjust your focus and take your shot, and you’ll have it at full colour.

3. The app, apart from offering a camera, it also offers an image editor that gives a wide range of options from adjusting HDR, contrast, sharpness, exposure, vignette, fisheye and even making cartoons of your images!

The wide range of editing options at the bottom.

4. Last but not least, as the name states, HDR Max maximizes the HDR giving you a higher colour intensity than your normal camera.

What are you still waiting for? Download HDR Max for an amazing experience, you won’t regret it. As you learn don’t forget to share! I’ll highly appreciate your feedback, let me know if it works for you. Is it a hit or a miss? 

Sunset in HDR

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